Buying, holding and selling investments at the right time is the goal of all investors. It’s nearly impossible to time the stock market perfectly, but the WILLTREND Indicator can help.
The WILLTREND Indicator is a technical analysis tool developed by Tom Williams in the 1970s to help investors make effective, informed decisions. This indicator works to filter out short-term market noise and allow traders to detect the true trends in the stock market. The goal of the indicator is to predict directional changes in markets so that investors can get in and out before the trend reverses, resulting in higher returns.
The indicator works by combining analysis of three timeframes: short-term, intermediate-term, and long-term. By analyzing information from each of these timeframes, the indicator can determine whether or not a trend is emerging, and whether the trend is likely to remain strong. The indicator also gives traders a set of rules to follow when making decisions about when to enter and exit the market.
The WILLTREND Indicator is considered an effective tool by many traders, as it relies on a sophisticated combination of analysis to predict the market accurately. It has been cited in numerous studies, including one by the respected Financial Times, as having a positive impact on returns. While no tool can perfectly time the market every time, the WILLTREND Indicator can help try to do just that and improve returns.