Reports are coming in that Senate lawmakers are careening towards a failed vote on Ukraine, despite a revised resolution that recently garnered some bipartisan support from both sides of the aisle. This is a worrisome development for both sides of the political spectrum, as it appears Washington’s strained relations with Kiev may get worse before they get better.
The original resolution, put forward by a trio of Republican lawmakers, proposed measures to strengthen economic and security ties between the United States and Ukraine. It also urged greater pressure on Russia to end its military conflict along the eastern border of Ukraine. While their efforts to garner support for the resolution initially looked promising, ultimately those efforts failed when the vote had to be postponed.
Not only did the postponement of the vote reflect the difficulty both sides had in mustering enough support to get the measure passed, but it could also indicate deep-seated divisions within Washington when it comes to foreign policy. This, combined with President Donald Trump’s haphazard approach to foreign policy, could lead to further tension between the U.S. and Ukraine.
Moreover, the vote could have serious repercussions on the future of the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Without Washington providing additional backing to Kiev, it is increasingly likely that Putin will grow more confident in his military strategy along the borders.
The Senate’s failure to pass the measure regarding Ukraine could have lasting implications for both Americans and Ukrainians alike. It is now up to the elected officials in Washington to find a reasonable resolution to the dispute that both parties can support. If they fail to do so, the consequences could reverberate around the world.